Sourdough Wholewheat Bread



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Active Sourdough Starter Lukewarm Water Whole Wheat Flour All Purpose Flour Salt

Tilted Brush Stroke

Step 1

In the bowl of an electric mixer combine water and sourdough starter, mix well.

Medium Brush Stroke

Step 2

Add flours, knead, then add the salt, and continue to knead for 7-8 minutes.

Medium Brush Stroke

Step 3

Remove dough and form into a ball, place in a lightly oiled bowl, roll the dough to lightly cover with oil, cover the bowl and let rest for 2 hours.

Medium Brush Stroke

Step 4

Gently knead a couple of times, form into a ball, then cover and let rest for 20 minutes. Shape into a loaf shape and place into a loaf pan. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate 8-48 hours to proof.

Medium Brush Stroke

Step 5

Remove the sourdough from the refrigerator and bring to room temperature, it will take 30-45 minutes. Score the dough.

Medium Brush Stroke

Step 6

Preheat the oven to 410F. Place your dish or loaf pan with whole wheat sourdough on the middle rack and bake for 30-35 minutes. Move to a wire rack to cool before slicing.

Medium Brush Stroke
